Our principal services are on Sundays and most Wednesdays at 10:30am. Further details are on the Service Times page.
On Sunday mornings free parking is available in the Pro Crea car park next door to the church. Currently Unavailable
Our address is Via Clemente Maraini 6, Lugano, 6900. See the Getting Here page for more information and a local map.
Our Sunday service is Holy Communion (also called the Eucharist or the Mass). Whether said or sung, the service is broken into two main parts: Word and Sacrament.The first, centers upon hearing the Word of God in readings from the Old Testament, the four Gospels, and New Testament letters. A sermon expounds upon the readings of the day and applies it to our lives. The second half, during which we are spiritually nourished to continue our Christian journey, centers on the Eucharist, (meaning ‘Thanksgiving’). It is a sacrament in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. Christians in good standing in their own church are welcome to receive communion or to receive a blessing from the priest at the altar. The service concludes with a blessing and a dismissal that sends us out into the world to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ
Yes, St Edward’s is an English-speaking church.
Yes. During the scholastic year, Sunday School lessons usually take place twice a month during the 10:30am morning Sung Eucharistic.
All children from the age of 3 are welcome to join Pebbles for our youngest members or Rocks for those with more reading ability.
Children are also greatly encouraged to participate in our Family Services.
To find out more see our Sunday School page where dates, prayers and other other activities are published.
The Anglican Church of Saint Edward the Confessor
For all enquiries please contact:
Tel: +41 091 968 1149 email: chaplain@stedwards.ch