St. Edward's Church, Lugano
Celebrant: Father Paul, Chaplain
St. Edward's Church, Lugano
St. Edward's Church, Lugano
Celebrant: Father Paul, Chaplain
St. Edward's Church, Lugano
St. Edward's Church, Lugano
Celebrant: Father Paul, Chaplain
St. Edward's Church, Lugano
A Sung Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday at 10:30am. All denominations are welcome to receive the Blessed Sacrament or a blessing from the celebrant at the altar during Communion. We also have a low mass celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month at 8:30 am. This is a short said Eucharist with no music which lasts around 30 minutes.
During communion, you may receive communion in two kinds. When you receive the body of Christ from the priest you may, if you wish, consume the host and go back your place. However, you may choose also receive the blood of Christ from the Eucharistic Minister. Both are valid ways to receive communion but our bishops do discourage what is called ‘intinction’ or ‘dipping’ by the person receiving communion: it is better to receive in one kind than to do this.
During the scholastic year Sunday School Lessons take place twice a month during the 10:30am Eucharist.
Our Sunday School children are frequently given a high profile during the Sunday Mass, during which they read from the Bible, lead prayers and share their own faith and ministry. They are also encouraged to engage in worship services during major festivals throughout the year.
Following services at St Edward's the congregation moves to Casa Benson next to the church for refreshments and fellowship. Visitors are especially welcome to join us.
Unless announced to the contrary, there is a short said Eucharist every Wednesday at 10:30am. As always, everyone is welcome.
Service times for major Christian solemnities and festivals, e.g., Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, Harvest Thanksgiving, Remembrance Sunday etc. simply click on MORE in the menu bar.
At St Edward's these aspects of our faith journey are very important to us. They remind us that we are not alone in this world.
After every worship service we gather again in friendly conversation to learn, to gain strength, and to offer pastoral support to anyone in need.
So do come and join us for some coffee, refreshments and hospitality in Casa Benson next to the church. You can be assured of the warmest of welcomes!
If you would like to offer your own ministry by joining the Refreshment Rota, please contact:
The churchwardens, Diana & Lester are available on Sundays after Mass and will happily speak with you about fellowship ministry.
The Anglican Church of Saint Edward the Confessor
For all enquiries please contact:
Tel: +41 091 968 1149 email: